Motile Art is a pioneering online art platform that has been fostering creativity and artistic collaboration since its inception in 2019. Founded by Chayan Das Thakur, Debajit Rudra Paul, and Susanta Mistri, Motile Art has swiftly grown to become India’s premier online destination for art enthusiasts and creators alike.

Our Mission

At Motile Art, our mission is to create a dynamic and inclusive space where artists from diverse backgrounds can come together to share their work, learn, and grow. We are committed to supporting the artistic community through a variety of initiatives that include:

  • Art Residencies: Providing artists with dedicated time and space to create, experiment, and innovate in a supportive environment.
  • Workshops: Offering educational opportunities for artists to enhance their skills, explore new techniques, and engage with contemporary art practices.
  • Art Events: Curating a range of events that bring together artists, collectors, and art lovers to celebrate and discuss art.
  • Art Camps: Organizing immersive experiences where artists can collaborate, exchange ideas, and be inspired by each other’s work.
  • Exhibitions: Showcasing the works of both emerging and established artists through national and international online and offline exhibitions.

Our Vision

Motile Art envisions a world where art is accessible to everyone, and artists have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. We aim to break down barriers and create a global community of artists who can connect, collaborate, and inspire each other regardless of geographical boundaries.

Our Journey

Since our journey began in 2019, we have been dedicated to nurturing the artistic spirit and providing a platform where creativity can flourish. Through our various programs and initiatives, we have successfully built a vibrant community of artists who are passionate about their craft and eager to share their talents with the world.

Why Choose Motile Art?

Motile Art stands out as India’s best online platform for art due to our unwavering commitment to quality, inclusivity, and innovation. We provide a unique blend of online and offline experiences that cater to the needs of modern artists. Whether you are an aspiring artist looking for guidance, a seasoned professional seeking new opportunities, or an art lover eager to discover new talent, Motile Art is your go-to platform.

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to explore the limitless possibilities of art and creativity. At Motile Art, we believe that art has the power to transform lives, and we are here to make that transformation a reality for artists everywhere.


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Whatsapp : +917908469250
Phone : +917908469250 /